Marketing Blog - LaneTerralever

Aligning Higher Ed Content Strategy with Student Needs | LT

Written by LaneTerralever | Jul 11, 2024 11:24:44 PM

At LT, we’ve spent the last several months deep inside the world of higher education marketing, and we’re excited to share our latest findings with you. Collaborating with Convince & Convert, we surveyed nearly 1,500 prospective and first-year college students and over 200 higher education marketing professionals. What we discovered has significant implications for how we approach content strategy in the higher education sector.

The importance of personalized, relevant content in higher education marketing cannot be overstated. Today's prospective students are savvy information consumers seeking content that speaks directly to their needs, aspirations, and concerns. Our research has shown that strategically providing this targeted information helps institutions stand out in a crowded field and builds stronger connections with potential students.

Understanding Student Priorities

One of the most striking findings from our study was the clear hierarchy of information that students prioritize when researching colleges. At the top of this list are career outcomes, with 82% of students citing this as a primary reason for pursuing higher education. Students are hungry for practical, transparent information about how a degree program will benefit their future.

Following closely behind are degree specifics. Students want to understand how an academic program will prepare them for success. This includes information about the curriculum, faculty expertise, and unique opportunities within the program.

Financial aid rounds out the top three priorities. With the rising cost of education, students are keenly interested in understanding the sticker price of attendance and the various funding options available.

These priorities are not just passing interests - they form the core of students' decision-making when choosing a college. By aligning our content strategies with these priorities, we can provide valuable support to students during this crucial time.

Best Practices for Content Creation

Based on our findings, here are some critical tips for creating content that resonates with prospective students:

  1. Focus on outcomes: Showcase alumni success stories and provide detailed information about career paths associated with each program.
  2. Be specific: Don't just list course titles. Explain how each program prepares students for specific careers and highlight unique learning opportunities.
  3. Address financial concerns head-on: Provide clear information about costs and emphasize the long-term value of education and available financial aid options.
  4. Leverage student voices: Our research shows that students trust content from their peers far more than official institutional channels. Incorporate student testimonials and user-generated content into your marketing materials.
  5. Embrace video: Students strongly prefer video content, citing YouTube as a top source for research. Consider creating virtual tours, student interviews, and program explainers in video format

Leveraging Multi-Channel Strategy

While the content itself is crucial, how and where you distribute that content is equally important. Our research revealed some surprising insights about student preferences for different platforms.

Search engines and institutional websites remain the primary starting points for college research (alongside YouTube), with 34% and 25% of students beginning their search there. This underscores the critical importance of search engine optimization (SEO) in ensuring that the right students find your content.

Despite predictions of its demise, email also remains a preferred communication channel for many students. In fact, 55% of students in our survey said they prefer to receive communications from institutions via email—even more than text messages!

Social media platforms offer opportunities for real-time engagement and community building. However, not all platforms are created equal in the eyes of students. We found a strong preference for YouTube, with 45% of students citing it as their most trusted platform for college research. This presents a significant opportunity for institutions to align their content strategies with student preferences.

Case Studies

These insights aren't just theoretical - we've seen them put into practice with actual results. Take the case of Ancora Education, where we applied these principles to a website redesign. By focusing on clear program information, career outcomes, and financial aid details, we saw increased student inquiries from organic search traffic and conversion rates.

Similarly, our work with Universal Technical Institute demonstrates the power of a multi-channel approach. By leveraging a mix of search, social media, and targeted email campaigns, we helped UTI achieve its first quarterly student increase in eight years.

These success stories underscore the importance of aligning content strategy with student needs and preferences. By providing the right information in the right places, we can attract more prospective students and support them in making one of the most important decisions of their lives.

Ready to elevate your higher education marketing strategy? Learn more about our higher education marketing services and see how LT can help you connect with prospective students effectively.