#LTbelieves: Volunteer Day at Clarendon Elementary School

February 16, 2017 | By: Melanie Mulvihill | 1 min read
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LT volunteer teamThis Valentine’s day LaneTerralever did something different. While we love valentines and eating chocolate, our entire office – designers, account managers, production artists and the like – spent half of the day helping out a local school.


HandsOn Greater PhoenixLT Painters is an organization that pairs volunteers with local needs. Through them, LaneTerralever spent the afternoon at Clarendon Elementary. Clarendon has approximately 450 students attending grades four through sixth. Once we arrived, each employee selected an activity they wanted to participate in. The activities included library lexiling, painting murals and basketball court lines, building benches and picnic tables and gardening.


Paige Herbert, LaneTerralever’s Sales and Marketing Coordinator, said her favorite part was “was looking at my hands, covered in paint to recognize that my small token of volunteerism will forever make an impact on every student that has the opportunity to walk the halls of Clarendon Elementary School. Understanding that my few strokes of a paintbrush will forever be a part of each child's educational experience and define how they will make an impact on the world made it such a memorable day.”


We were honored to get our hands dirty and help a local school!

LT garden team

LT library team

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