From Netflix to YouTube, previously non-traditional ways of viewing media are everywhere, and consumers across all generations are reevaluating how they are watching TV, causing many to take the plunge and cut the cord. But what exactly is cord cutting and why is it a trend? What does this mean for brands, and what are ways to proactively take on this challenge and benefit from it? These are all important questions, and with so much information on the topic, it can be difficult to get a straight answer.
This Wednesday at the Arizona Technology Council, LaneTerralever’s very own SVP of Brand Strategy and Research, Isabelle Jazo, will be delving into these questions on the impact of cord cutting and how generational shifts are leading to a big change in the way technology is used and marketed.
TV today is on demand, it’s instant and it’s uninterrupted. Because of this, many consumers are choosing alternative Internet-based services over traditional cable TV. In fact, it is predicted that by 2025, 50% of adults under 32 will not be paying for cable.
If this statistic intimidates you, you’re not alone. A shift from traditional media is well underway, but with it brings more opportunity for reaching your target audience effectively.
“Regardless of all the media out there, it’s really just more tools in the toolbox. When it’s all said and done, brands still need to have an identity, they still have to have problems they’re solving, strong insights, and big ideas. That never goes out of style. If anything, the beauty of all forms of digital now is that it just gives you more ways to reach consumers,” said LaneTerralever’s Chief Creative Director, Ian Barry.
Equipping yourself and your brand with a thorough understanding of the motivation behind this trend and the opportunities that digital marketing brings is essential for a successful strategy.
Whether it be cord cutters, cord trimmers, or cord nevers, these emerging audiences affect all industries and disciplines. Learn more about how you can adapt to this evolving landscape of media consumption through the lenses of a variety of disciplines at LaneTerralever. Visit Arizona Technology Council to find out more about this event and register.