The Importance of Non-Gaming Casino Experiences

August 22, 2024 | By: Hannah Tooker | 2 min read
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The Importance of Non-Gaming Casino Experiences | LT

The casino industry is evolving, with non-gaming amenities playing a crucial role in attracting and retaining visitors. LaneTerralever (LT) 2024 Casino Player Trends Report reveals these offerings are particularly influential for Millennials, Gen Z, and affluent guests. As casino marketing strategies adapt, understanding non-gaming experiences has become essential for success.

The New Demographics:
Millennials, Gen Zs and Affluent Guests

Millennial Preferences

Millennials are reshaping the casino experience, prioritizing social spaces and tech-driven amenities. Our research shows that 68% of Millennials budget specifically for non-gaming activities, highlighting the importance of diverse offerings beyond the casino floor.

Gen Z Engagement

For Gen Z, interactive and digital amenities are key attractions. This generation values innovation and social interaction, with 86% visiting local casinos with others. Casinos offering virtual reality experiences and social media-friendly spaces are better positioned to capture this demographic's attention.

Affluent Guest Expectations

Affluent visitors seek luxury experiences beyond gaming. Among guests with household incomes over $200,000, non-gaming activities play a significant (31.6%) or very significant (23.5%) role in loyalty. These guests expect gourmet dining, premium spas, and exclusive access areas.

Non-Gaming Amenities as a
Strategic Tool

Diverse Offerings

Casinos are expanding their non-gaming amenities to cater to various guest preferences and enhance the casino customer experience. From fine dining to wellness centers, these offerings create a more comprehensive entertainment destination. Our research shows that restaurants and bars are the most important non-gaming features for both local and destination casinos.

Building Loyalty

Non-gaming experiences contribute significantly to repeat visits and long-term loyalty. The report reveals that 63% of people say non-gaming has at least some impact on loyalty. By offering a range of activities, casinos can appeal to different visitor segments and create multiple touchpoints for engagement.

Impact on Decision-Making

Influencing Factors

Non-gaming offers substantially impact the decision-making process when choosing a casino. Our findings indicate that 74.5% of respondents consider non-gaming activities, offers, and promotions when selecting a local casino. For destination casinos, this percentage rises to 78%, underscoring the importance of a diverse amenity portfolio.

Family and Group Influence

Non-gaming amenities become even more critical when visitors plan trips with family and friends. A striking 70% of casino-goers say non-gaming offerings are more important when they visit with others. This trend highlights the need for casinos to cater to group experiences and provide activities appealing to a wide range of interests.

Competitive Edge in the Casino Industry

In regions with high casino concentration, non-gaming amenities provide a crucial competitive edge. Casinos are repositioning themselves as comprehensive entertainment destinations to meet evolving visitor expectations and industry trends. By offering unique experiences like world-class concerts, celebrity chef restaurants, or state-of-the-art spa facilities, casinos can differentiate themselves in a crowded market.

These non-gaming offerings allow casinos to tap into the broader experience economy. Our research indicates that even committed gamers spend up to 20% of their time on non-gaming activities during their visits. By capitalizing on this trend, casinos can increase overall revenue and attract a more diverse customer base.

The shift towards non-gaming experiences aligns with changing attitudes towards gambling. As younger generations seek more varied forms of entertainment, casinos offering a balance of gaming and non-gaming options are better positioned to attract and retain these customers long-term.

What’s Next?

The importance of non-gaming casino experiences cannot be overstated in today's competitive landscape. From influencing decision-making to building customer loyalty, these amenities play a crucial role in modern casinos' success. Casinos can create memorable experiences that keep guests returning by understanding and catering to diverse preferences.

To gain more in-depth insights into the impact of non-gaming amenities and strategies for leveraging them effectively, download our comprehensive 2024 Casino Non-Gaming Player Insights Report. This valuable resource provides data-driven recommendations to help your casino thrive in an evolving industry. For further insights and support in your casino marketing journey, contact us at LT, where we specialize in turning marketing potential into real-world success.


2024 LaneTerralever (LT)
Casino Player Trends Report

How Non-Gaming Experiences Are Transforming Casinos, Winning Over Younger Demographics, & Building Loyalty for Casinos.

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