The Customer Journey for Tourism & Attractions

August 15, 2024 | By: Mitchell Suave | 2 min read
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The Customer Journey for Tourism & Attractions | LT

Take a second and think about a parent who is planning the perfect day out for their family —discovering a thrilling amusement park, an enchanting zoo, or an interactive museum. They build excitement as they research, book tickets, and finally arrive,  eager to create lasting memories with their loved ones. 

Understanding this journey is crucial for operators in the tourism and attractions industry to crafting unforgettable experiences. Each touchpoint shapes visitor satisfaction and loyalty from the first Google search to the final farewell. Join us as we explore the stages of the customer journey and unveil how cutting-edge technology is revolutionizing the travel experience. 

Pre-Visit Experience

Research and Planning

Today's prospective visitors are meticulous planners, using various platforms to gather information before making travel decisions. According to the 2023 Leisure Consumer Trends Report, 50% of visitors rely on online reviews and ratings, while 46% use the attraction's website to check details​​. Additionally, YouTube review videos are increasingly popular among affluent visitors, particularly for their authenticity and visual appeal​​.

Understanding these behaviors, attractions should invest in optimizing their online presence. This includes updating websites with detailed information about the visitor experience, maintaining active profiles on review sites like Yelp and TripAdvisor, and creating engaging content on social media. Ensuring accessibility and user-friendliness across digital platforms can significantly influence the decision-making process.

Booking and Anticipation

Online booking systems play a pivotal role in the pre-visit phase. The convenience of digital ticketing and promotions can enhance the anticipation leading up to the visit. The report highlights that affluent visitors are more likely to purchase pre-sale tickets, driven by the desire to secure exclusive experiences​​.

Engaging with visitors through social media during this phase can heighten their excitement. Sharing sneak peeks, special offers, and user-generated content helps build anticipation and encourages sharing within their networks, effectively broadening the attraction’s reach.

On-Site Experience

Arrival and First Impressions

The arrival at an attraction sets the tone for the entire visit. Digital check-ins and initial interactions are critical touchpoints. The report indicates that 72% of visitors value short wait times and are willing to pay a premium for expedited entry​​. Streamlining these processes through mobile apps and contactless payments can enhance the visitor's first impression and overall satisfaction.

Engagement During the Visit

Digital tools such as apps and digital guides can significantly enhance the visitor experience during the visit. These tools provide real-time information, interactive maps, and personalized recommendations, making navigation and engagement seamless. Technology integration is particularly appreciated by younger visitors, with Gen Z and Millennials indicating that mobile apps enrich their on-site experience​​.

Personalized Experiences

Personalization is a growing trend in the attractions industry. By leveraging visitor data, attractions can offer tailored experiences that meet individual preferences. This can include personalized recommendations for activities, dining options, and exclusive offers. The report emphasizes that affluent visitors and families with children value unique and educational experiences, highlighting the importance of edutainment and sustainability​​.

Post-Visit Engagement

Feedback and Reviews

Collecting visitor feedback is vital for continuous improvement and fostering loyalty. Encouraging guests to share their experiences through reviews can provide valuable insights and enhance the attraction’s online reputation. The 2023 report underscores the significance of post-visit interactions, with visitors citing cleanliness and quick wait times as critical factors influencing their overall satisfaction​​.

Loyalty and Retention

Building long-term relationships with visitors requires ongoing engagement. Loyalty programs, targeted follow-up communications. The report suggests that seasonal or annual passes are popular among frequent visitors, especially those seeking convenience and cost savings​​.

Rounding Out The Experience

Understanding and optimizing the customer journey is essential for attractions to thrive in a competitive market. By focusing on pre-visit research, enhancing on-site experiences with technology, and engaging visitors post-visit, operators can create memorable experiences that foster loyalty and encourage positive word-of-mouth.

For more insights and strategies on marketing for tourism and attractions, visit our Entertainment & Attractions Marketing Agency page.

Explore our creative video production services to enhance your digital presence, or learn about our social media content strategy for effective visitor engagement.

By integrating these strategies, attractions can ensure a comprehensive and satisfying visitor journey, ultimately driving growth and success in the industry.

2024 Leisure Consumer Trends Report

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