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The Future of Higher Education Marketing: Bridging the Gen-Z Gap | LT

Written by Hannah Tooker | Sep 12, 2024 8:17:02 PM

In an era where digital natives are reshaping the landscape of higher education, marketers face unique challenges and opportunities. Our recent 2024 Higher Education Marketing Report unveils surprising insights that could revolutionize how institutions connect with prospective students.

Surprising Budget Confidence

An astonishing 89% of higher education marketers believe they have sufficient budget to achieve their marketing goals. While this statistic initially seems encouraging, it masks a more complex reality. When probed about their biggest hurdles, marketers consistently cited two primary obstacles:

  1. Time constraints
  2. Resource limitations

This paradox suggests that while budgets may be adequate on paper, the freedom to allocate these resources effectively remains restricted.

Our comprehensive report, based on surveys of 203 higher education marketers and 1,493 prospective college students, aims to illuminate the discrepancies between these groups and provide data-driven strategies for success.

Key Findings: Where Marketers Miss the Mark

  1. The Power of Peer Perspectives

User-generated content (UGC) reigns supreme in the trust hierarchy.

  • 70% of students prefer consuming higher ed marketing materials created by peers
  • Influencers ranked as the least trusted information source

Recommendation: Amplify authentic student voices in your marketing strategy. Incentivize UGC through upskilling opportunities, class credit or paid roles. Ensure diverse representation to connect with a broad spectrum of prospective students.

  1. Email's Unexpected Resurgence

Contrary to popular belief, email remains a vital communication channel for Gen-Z.

  • 55% of students prefer email for updates from colleges
  • 51% check their email more frequently than any other platform
  • Paradoxically, marketers are reducing resources allocated to email marketing

Recommendation: Resist the urge to abandon email marketing. Instead, leverage AI tools to create personalized, relevant content that resonates with prospective students. Email's direct line of communication becomes increasingly valuable as students transition to college and career life.

  1. Content Priorities: Addressing Practical Concerns

While institutions excel at showcasing campus culture, they often fall short in addressing critical student concerns.

  • Job placement
  • Financial aid options
  • Housing information
  • Study abroad opportunities

Recommendation: Expand your content strategy to cover these practical aspects of student life. Share success stories related to internships, scholarships and unique living arrangements to give prospective students a comprehensive view of your institution.

  1. The YouTube Opportunity

Gen-Z's digital habitat of choice is YouTube, yet higher education marketers need to utilize this platform more. Consider these statistics.

  • 45% of students trust YouTube for news and information
  • Only 18% of marketers prioritize YouTube in their strategies
  • 61% of students prefer video content for researching schools

Recommendation: Elevate YouTube in your marketing hierarchy. Develop a robust strategy that answers prospective students' questions and showcases your institution's unique attributes. Don't overlook YouTube Shorts — these bite-sized videos drive significant audience growth.

Charting a Path Forward

To effectively engage Gen-Z, consider these strategic shifts.

  1. Invest in high-quality, student-generated video content
  2. Leverage AI for personalized email marketing campaigns
  3. Address practical student concerns in your content strategy
  4. Adopt a YouTube-first approach, reallocating resources from less effective platforms

By bridging these gaps, institutions can forge more robust, authentic connections with the next generation of students — a crucial step for long-term success in higher education marketing.

Explore our full 2024 Higher Education Marketing Report to review these insights further. We'd love to hear which aspects of the report resonate most with you and your team.