Name Our Purple Cow for a Chance to Win Seth Godin Books!

June 12, 2014 | By: Jessie Gould | 1 min read
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“I never saw a purple cow,” wrote Gelett Burgess in 1897. Well, we’ve seen one, and we’ve decided to adopt her as the newest member of our Denver office. Unfortunately, we’re just not sure what to put on her nametag. That’s where you come in.

We need your help

Throughout the month of June, we’ll be accepting name ideas for our beautiful bovine. Submit up to three names using our online form before June 30th at 11:59 Mountain Time (Colorado). Names will be judged on originality, personality, and memorability. The author of the winning name will receive a free copy of marketing guru Seth Godin’s Purple Cow and its sequel Free Prize Inside: How to Make a Purple Cow.

Winners will be posted on this blog on Monday, July 7th and contacted via email.

Meet the purple cow

The 4-foot-tall sculpture was painted by Valerie and Jonathan Nicklow as part of the CowParade, a nonprofit supporter organization that employs local artists to paint cows in various cities across the United States and Europe. Amongst the yellow flowers on the statue’s side is written the famous poem by Gelett Burgess:

I never saw a purple cow,
I never hope to see one;
But this I will say anyhow, 
I'd rather see than be one.

purple cow statue

Meet the prizes

Seth Godin is a prolific writer and speaker, widely regarded as a global leader in the marketing industry (type “Seth” into Google- his blog is the first entry). His bestseller The Purple Cow is about standing out in a herd of ho-hum. It’s the manifesto for any marketer who wants to create something truly noticeable. Its sequel Free Prize Inside is stock-full of practical ways to apply the ideas in Purple Cow to your product or service.

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